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Submit a job to a AWS BATCH queue.

When used as a Makes declaration (at makes.nix attrs):

  • computeOnAwsBatch: attrsOf JobType (Optional Attr) Job groups to submit. Defaults to { }.

When used as a makes input:

  • computeOnAwsBatch: JobType -> SourceAble Source able batch file to send jobs to aws batch.

When used as a makes input, all arguments are required and defaults are not available. However nested jobs (see nextJob argument) do have defaults enabled.


  • JobType = attrs
    • allowDuplicates: bool (Optional Attr) Set to false in order to prevent submitting the job if there is already a job in the queue with the same name. Defaults to false.
    • attempts: positiveInt (Optional Attr) If the value of attempts is greater than one, the job is retried on failure the same number of attempts as the value. Defaults to 1.
    • attemptDurationSeconds: positiveInt The time duration in seconds (measured from the job attempt's startedAt timestamp) after which Batch terminates your jobs if they have not finished.
    • command: listOf str The command to send to the container. It overrides the one specified in the Batch job definition. Additional arguments can be propagated when running this module output.
    • dryRun: bool (Optional Attr) (Not supported on nextJob) Do not send any job. Only check the correctness of the pipeline definition.
    • definition: str Name of the Batch job definition that we will use as base for submitting the job. In general an Batch job definition is required in order to specify which container image our job is going to run on.
    • environment: listOf str (Optional Attr) Name of the environment variables whose names and values should be copied from the machine running Makes to the machine on Batch running the job. Defaults to [ ].
    • includePositionalArgsInName: bool (Optional Attr). Enable to make positional arguments part of the job name. This is useful for identifying jobs in the Batch console more easily. Defaults to true.
    • nextJob: attrs (Optional Attr) The next job that will be executed after its parent finish. You must provide a name attribute and all the required attrs of JobType. Defaults to { }.
    • memory: positiveInt Amount of memory, in MiB that is reserved for the job.
    • parallel: positiveInt (Optional Attr) Number of parallel jobs to trigger using Batch Array Jobs. Defaults to 1.
    • propagateTags: bool (Optional Attr) Enable tags to be propagated into the ECS tasks. Defaults to true.
    • queue: nullOr str Name of the Batch queue we should submit the job to. If null then queue is fetch from the MAKES_COMPUTE_ON_AWS_BATCH_QUEUE environment variable at runtime.
    • setup: listOf SourceAble Makes Environment or Makes Secrets to source (as in Bash's source) before anything else. Defaults to [ ].
    • tags: attrsOf str (Optional Attr). Tags to apply to the batch job. Defaults to { }.
    • vcpus: positiveInt Amount of virtual CPUs that is reserved for the job.


}: {
  computeOnAwsBatch = {
    helloWorld = {
      attempts = 1;
      attemptDurationSeconds = 43200;
      command = [ "m" "github:fluidattacks/makes@main" "/helloWorld" ];
      definition = "makes";
      environment = [ "ENV_VAR_FOR_WHATEVER" ];
      memory = 1800;
      queue = "ec2_spot";
      setup = [
        # Use default authentication for AWS
      tags = {
        "Management:Product" = "awesome_app";
      vcpus = 1;
m . /computeOnAwsBatch/helloWorld 1 2 3

Note that positional arguments ([ "1" "2" "3" ] in this case) will be appended to the end of command before sending the job to Batch.


Deploy a container image in OCI Format.

For details on how to build container images in OCI format, please see makeContainerImage.


  • deployContainer (attrsOf targetType):
  • targetType (submodule):
    • credentials:
      • token (str): Name of the environment variable that stores the value of the registry token.
      • user (str): Name of the environment variable that stores the value of the registry user.
    • image (str): Container registry path to which the image will be copied to.
    • setup (listOf package): Optional. Makes Environment or Makes Secrets to source (as in Bash's source) before anything else. Defaults to [ ].
    • sign (bool): Optional. Sign container image with Cosign by using a OIDC keyless approach. Defaults to false.
    • src (package): Derivation that contains the container image in OCI Format.


{ outputs, ... }: {
  deployContainer = {
    makesAmd64 = {
      credentials = {
        token = "GITHUB_TOKEN";
        user = "GITHUB_ACTOR";
      image = "";
      src = outputs."/container-image";
      sign = true;
    makesArm64 = {
      credentials = {
        token = "GITHUB_TOKEN";
        user = "GITHUB_ACTOR";
      image = "";
      src = outputs."/container-image";
      sign = true;
DOCKER_HUB_USER=user DOCKER_HUB_PASS=123 m . /deployContainer/makesAmd64
GITHUB_ACTOR=user GITHUB_TOKEN=123 m . /deployContainer/makesAmd64
CI_REGISTRY_USER=user CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=123 m . /deployContainer/makesAmd64


Deploy a container manifest to a container registry using manifest-tool.

Combine it with deployContainer for supporting multi-tag or multi-arch images.


  • deployContainerManifest (attrsOf targetType):
  • targetType (submodule):
    • credentials:
      • token (str): Name of the environment variable that stores the value of the registry token.
      • user (str): Name of the environment variable that stores the value of the registry user.
    • image (str): Path for the manifest that will be deployed.
    • manifests (listOf manifestType): Already-existing images to be used by the new manifest. Typically used for supporting multiple architectures.
    • setup (listOf package): Optional. Makes Environment or Makes Secrets to source (as in Bash's source) before anything else. Defaults to [ ].
    • sign (bool): Optional. Sign container image with Cosign by using a OIDC keyless approach. Defaults to false.
    • tags (listOf str): Optional. List of secondary tags (aliases) for the image. Defaults to [ ].
  • manifestType (submodule):
    • image: Path to the already-deployed image.
    • platform:
      • architecture (str): Architecture of the image.
      • os (str): Operating system of the image.


{ outputs, ... }: {
  deployContainerManifest = {
    makes = {
      credentials = {
        token = "GITHUB_TOKEN";
        user = "GITHUB_ACTOR";
      image = "";
      manifests = [
          image = "";
          platform = {
            architecture = "amd64";
            os = "linux";
          image = "";
          platform = {
            architecture = "arm64";
            os = "linux";
      sign = true;
      tags = [ "24.09" ];
DOCKER_HUB_USER=user DOCKER_HUB_PASS=123 m . /deployContainerManifest/makes
GITHUB_ACTOR=user GITHUB_TOKEN=123 m . /deployContainerManifest/makes
CI_REGISTRY_USER=user CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=123 m . /deployContainerManifest/makes


Deploy Terraform code by performing a terraform apply over the specified Terraform modules.


  • deployTerraform:
    • modules (attrsOf moduleType): Optional. Path to Terraform modules to lint. Defaults to { }.
  • moduleType (submodule):
    • setup (listOf package): Optional. Makes Environment or Makes Secrets to source (as in Bash's source) before anything else. Defaults to [ ].
    • src (str): Path to the Terraform module.
    • version (enum [ "0.14" "0.15" "1.0" ]): Terraform version your module is built with.


  deployTerraform = {
    modules = {
      module1 = {
        src = "/my/module1";
        version = "0.14";
      module2 = {
        src = "/my/module2";
        version = "1.0";
m . /deployTerraform/module1


Taint Terraform code by performing a terraform taint $resource over the specified Terraform modules.


  • taintTerraform:
    • modules (attrsOf moduleType): Optional. Path to Terraform modules to lint. Defaults to { }.
  • moduleType (submodule):
    • reDeploy (bool): Optional. Perform a terraform apply after tainting resources. Defaults to false.
    • resources (listOf str): Resources to taint.
    • setup (listOf package): Optional. Makes Environment or Makes Secrets to source (as in Bash's source) before anything else. Defaults to [ ].
    • src (str): Path to the Terraform module.
    • version (enum [ "0.14" "0.15" "1.0" ]): Terraform version your module is built with.


  taintTerraform = {
    modules = {
      module = {
        resources = [ "null_resource.example" ];
        src = "/test/terraform/module";
        version = "0.14";
m . /taintTerraform/module


Deploy Nomad code by performing a nomad plan over the specified Nomad jobs / namespaces.


  • deployNomad:
    • jobs (attrsOf jobsType): Optional. Path to Nomad jobs to deploy. Defaults to { }.
    • namespaces (attrsOf namespacesType): Optional. Path to Nomad namespaces to deploy. Defaults to { }.
  • jobsType (submodule):
    • setup (listOf package): Optional. Makes Environment or Makes Secrets to source (as in Bash's source) before anything else. Defaults to [ ].
    • src (path): Path to the Nomad job (hcl or json).
    • version (enum [ "1.0" "1.1" ]): Nomad version your job is built with. Defaults to "1.1".
    • namespace (str): Nomad namespace to deploy the job into.
  • namespacesType (submodule):
    • setup (listOf package): Optional. Makes Environment or Makes Secrets to source (as in Bash's source) before anything else. Defaults to [ ].
    • jobs (attrOf path): Attributes of path to the Nomad jobs (hcl or json).
    • version (enum [ "1.0" "1.1" ]): Nomad version your jobs are built with. Defaults to "1.1".


  deployNomad = {
    jobs = {
      job1 = {
        src = ./my/job1.hcl;
        namespace = "default";
      job2 = {
        src = ./my/job2.json;
        namespace = "default";
    namespaces = { = {
        job1 = ./my/dev/job1.hcl;
        job2 = ./my/dev/job2.json;
      }; = {
        job1 = ./my/staging/job1.hcl;
        job2 = ./my/staging/job2.json;
m . /deployNomad/default/job1